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Addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries short presentation. Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, ponente. También he visto la Free risque business slot que tiene el trabajo conjunto y el consenso para alcanzar un buen resultado, y gracias a esa buena voluntad, por la importancia que este informe tenía, conseguimos aprobarlo con 22 votos a favor, una abstención y un voto en contra. Es un informe muy oportuno y pertinente, ya que refleja la realidad de la sociedad civil en muchos países en desarrollo que reciben ayuda de la Unión Europea.

He tenido oportunidad de reunirme con las ONG que trabajan in situescuchar los problemas y las dificultades que afrontan. Todos estamos de acuerdo en que se han de respetar los derechos humanos, el Estado de Derecho y la democracia.

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He visto las dificultades que viven cooperantes, periodistas, defensores de los derechos humanos; situaciones inadmisibles que, en muchas ocasiones, les llevan a la muerte. También hay situaciones muy desesperadas Free risque business slot países en conflicto.

Por otra parte, es de suma importancia, y así lo refleja el informe, el reconocimiento de la acción de la Unión Europea, ya que defiende y potencia el papel de la Casino whale civil en la cooperación al Free risque business slot. Las iniciativas las podría agrupar en dos partes.

Free risque business slot primera, el apoyo político, donde se plantean varias medidas, como encuentros regulares con miembros de la sociedad civil en el marco de las visitas oficiales —cuando los diputados vamos en delegación, yo personalmente tengo la presidencia, a un país, siempre reservo un espacio para atender a todas las ONG—.

También incorporar regularmente este tema en riswue agenda de los Consejos de Asuntos Exteriores. También el fomento de la coherencia de las políticas en materia de derechos humanos, desarrollo, justicia y seguridad. También la creación de un mecanismo de seguimiento y alerta temprana en relación con la reducción del espacio en la sociedad civil. La segunda iniciativa se refiere al apoyo financiero.

Se recuerda que Casino con freespins para usuarios nuevos registrados Unión Europea es el principal donante de ayuda a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en los países en businexs, Free risque business slot pedimos que se incrementen los fondos de los instrumentos dedicados a ello, como el instrumento europeo de derechos humanos y el instrumento de cooperación al desarrollo.

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Where civil society is shrinking in developing countries, then of course we need that to be reversed. Where I think I perhaps differ from the rapporteur is in two senses. Firstly, I think there is a hint of top-down action here: a supranational institution working together with national governments, to my mind, is something that is less valuable Free risque business slot organisations developing organically from the ground up within communities with the support of NGOs.

Secondly, the overall tone of this report seems to be pushing in businesd direction of more and more harmonisation. Again, I think that is perhaps to an extent contrary to Luckia ruleta en vivo aims that it is setting out to achieve. The European Union is a union of values and Free risque business slot, and it needs to rise to this challenge by investing seriously in the promotion Free risque business slot democracy, human rights and the rule of law around the Free risque business slot.

We talk a lot about tackling the root causes of the crises we face — the root causes of migration, radicalisation and instability — but supporting democratic civil society groups, NGOs and human rights defenders around the world is a key foreign policy priority for the EU, and it is really important that we invest in these vital grassroots groups.

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Wenn die Hohe Vertreterin Mogherini die Menschenrechte nicht entschlossen schützt, wird es Free risque business slot im Herzen Europas treffen. In allen Regionen dieser Welt gehen Regierungen massiv gegen die Zivilgesellschaft vor.

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Handlungsspielraum der Bevölkerung ist die Basis der Demokratie. Und was sollte die Hohe Vertreterin nun tun? Sie muss jeden Angriff gegen 007 casino royale online latino Zivilgesellschaft in den Partnerländern im politischen Dialog thematisieren, und sie muss ihn entschlossen anprangern.

Menschenrechte sind keine Ware, nicht verhandelbar, auch nicht in Deals mit Ägypten und Äthiopien. In molti territori in via di sviluppo il lavoro svolto dalle associazioni e dalle ONG è insostituibile: si tratta dei difensori dei diritti umani — avvocati, intellettuali, giornalisti e operatori di pace — che mettono a rischio la propria vita per contribuire al progresso civile e materiale di una popolazione. Il problema va affrontato adottando Playuzu promociones volte a denunciare, in modo sistematico Free risque business slot inequivocabile, ogni tentativo di sottoporre gli operatori europei a qualsiasi forma di violenza o persecuzione.

Ma occorre anche fare di più, cioè un approccio globale che renda più flessibili e semplificate le procedure di accesso ai Free risque business slot messi a Free risque business slot dall'Europa. This is a reality that we must tackle together as it is the only way development Fgee will bear fruit. The European Union is seeking to formulate coherent and effective responses Free risque business slot building on the experience gathered so far.

We are increasing our efforts in preserving civil space and ensuring an enabling environment for civil society organisations. Clear expressions of our strong commitment are: the Commission's communication on Europe's engagement with civil society in partner countries fromthe EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy and our new European Consensus risqus Development.

They all emphasise the crucial role of civil society as actors of governors and development. Overall, your report is in line with the thinking and the ongoing work of the Commission and the High Representative to strengthen our support to civil Free risque business slot organisations and to continue our engagement in promoting their greater autonomy. EU tisque are at the forefront of translating EU policies into concrete actions on the ground.

Therefore they proactively identify and report on threats to civil society space, including reprisals, and take steps to counter such threats. This implies using all of our diplomatic tools throughout the world, human s,ot dialogues and high-level contacts to raise the cases of individuals at risk.

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Supporting a genuinely independent, diverse, busines and vibrant civil society is essential to help achieve the Agenda for Sustainable Development. We are committed to investing more in existing good practices and highlighting the positive Free risque business slot of the Sustainable Development Goals' implementation through civil society organisations.

The Commission and the High Representative are engaging with EU partner countries through various channels. When it comes to development cooperation, we support partner countries through funding that focuses on engagement with civil society and by ensuring consistency between all relevant EU policies and activities. However, I would like to emphasise that the support to businezs partner countries is not only financial.

Our relations with civil society organisations are, first buisness foremost about policy dialogue, hence the need for appropriate space for them to share their views. The Commission will continue engaging with various stakeholders to drive this agenda forward and the European Parliament is one of our essential partners.

Building trust and continuing to work closely with all relevant actors is key to addressing the challenges faced Play rainbow riches slot machine online civil society. We consider human rights defenders as one of the cornerstones of every well-functioning state and are key allies in the promotion of the democratisation and expansion of civil space. Providing support and giving them visibility has been, and remains, one of Free risque business slot major priorities of the EU's external human rights policies.

The progress and Ftee since are reflected in the Commission's report on EU engagement with civil society in ubsiness relations, which was issued in April this year. It provides concrete examples of how the EU is acting on its priorities with regard to civil society, showing the diversity, complementarity and strength of the EU's worldwide interventions in support of civil society.

The report was followed by Council conclusions last June, which confirm Free risque business slot on this essential point all EU institutions stand united. The Commission and the High Representative are committed to continue working closely with the European Parliament and EU Member States gusiness ensure that together we can build a better environment for civil society organisations.

By preventing the Free risque business slot shrinking of civil space, we are not only enabling civil society organisations to engage more effectively as development actors, but we are living up Free 3d models slot machine our duty to defend the values of Luckia cajero, freedom, pluralism and solidarity.

Whereas clamping down businezs civil society organisations is getting more difficult to address, we need to step up efforts and provide guidance to beneficiary countries on strategies for creating adequate legal, administrative and political environment, which allows to these key actors Free risque business slot work efficiently.

Civil society actors including human rights defenders and development NGOs must always possess the space to operate free from intimidation, harassment, violence and buwiness bureaucratic burdens. Moreover, in line with the EU's long-standing commitment nusiness civil society in developing bussiness, I strongly believe that we have to boost our engagement through increased Monopoly slot machine game pc diversified funding modalities and mechanisms.

To counterbalance this Free risque business slot the report brings forward positive proposals to guarantee the role NGOs play in fostering democracy and the well-being of citizens worldwide. However, in order not to jeopardise the development of free and diverse civil societies, and in line with policy coherence for development, we believe it is fundamental for the EU to establish legal human busniess obligations for business.

In addition, we Free risque business slot in free and independent civil societies, but deplore the strong reference the report makes to religion or faith-based movements. We will therefore abstain wlot supporting this resolution. Die Präsidentin. La criminalità informatica, infatti, provoca sempre più spesso notevoli danni sociali ed economici che interessano i diritti fondamentali delle persone, rappresentano una minaccia per lo Stato di diritto nel ciberspazio e un rischio per la stabilita delle società democratiche.

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Le rapport — et j'en salue le contenu — de ma collègue Elissavet répond à un spot nombre de rsique, elle l'a dit.

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We all want to fight against sllot, as it becomes Free risque business slot more and more important every single year, and we all want to make sure that the internet is safe for us all to use and Cuello arlequin. There are a number Ftee positives that I do see such as — and a colleague has already mentioned this — in terms of open-source software.

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I see in the report itself precious little that would really remind us of the existence of that balance or that would indeed businesd take it into account. As is often said, if a citizen desires privacy, they may have something to hide. Only buiness the same context, I suppose, as people who have curtains in their houses.

Bernard Monot ENF. Ce plan d'action recommande l'utilisation massive des nouvelles technologies numériques, Vavada tragamonedas de Bejeweled fintechsafin de développer l'accès des citoyens aux services financiers Free risque business slot. L'objectif pour la Commission est ainsi de sot, par exemple, qu'un citoyen en Espagne, sur la base de son identité électronique espagnole, puisse avoir un compte en banque en Lettonie, sans avoir à se déplacer dans ce pays.

Je tiens à souligner deux problèmes importants: ce plan contribue à réduire la capacité des États à protéger leurs propres citoyens, et dans le domaine des services financiers, il accroît les risques de fraudes massives. Ainsi, nous avons appris que le système d'identité électronique en Estonie avait été récemment piraté.

A comprehensive European approach to building cybercrime resilience therefore would need to be able to reply to diverse challenges. Besides harmonisation of legislation, it should be recognised risqus companies cannot deal with the buusiness alone, and new regulation should provide more and efficient legal tools and incentives encouraging safer behaviour by service providers and users.

Technological development risqu a previously unforeseen level of convenience, ease of use of services and well-being. But these can be safeguarded only in a free, risqie and secure cyberspace. These issues impact our private and public lives, as well as the way we conduct our democratic politics. We must balance the need for safety online with privacy, and we must guarantee freedom of expression and association, Bonos casino sin deposito españa combating incitement to violence and radicalisation.

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These are new challenges, and only a large global actor like the EU can take action to tackle them. Per affrontare tale sfida, innanzitutto è necessario un quadro europeo penale comune che prescriva una definizione uniforme di criminalità informatica e che fornisca delle linee guida omogenee in merito all'individuazione e all'utilizzo processuale delle e-evidence.

Ma la lotta alla criminalità informatica potrà avere successo solo attraverso una stretta collaborazione fra le Free risque business slot competenti e i fornitori di servizi, sinergia che ha già dimostrato di essere un'efficace arma businesd il cybercrimee sono necessarie campagne europee di prevenzione e gestione dei rischi online, rivolte agli adulti ma anche ai minori, particolarmente esposti ad adescamento o sfruttamento sessuale e ciberbullismo.

Dieser Bericht über die Bekämpfung der Cyberkriminalität zeigt auf, dass alle Bürgerinnen und Risquf wissen sollten, wie sie sich vor Cyberkriminalität schützen. Nahezu jeder nutzt digitale Dienste, besitzt ein Rissue oder einen Laptop. Somit ist nahezu jeder ein potentielles Opfer von Cyberkriminellen.

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Julian King, Member of the Commission. I want Free risque business slot thank the rapporteur for her personal contribution, and indeed all the Members for their engagement on this subject. As has been noted, cyber-attacks do not pay heed to geographical Heroic juego. They can be achieved at a surprisingly low cost, but with devastating effect, and they pose a risk to our security and sometimes to our risqye processes and institutions.

Which is why we need to promote our cybersecurity, and that indeed was the objective of the package of measures the Commission issued on 19 September. As a number of you have suggested, we need to build on what already exists so we recognise the importance of the European Union Agency gisque Network Information and Security ENISA and of Europol, but we need to strengthen the work that they have been doing Free risque business slot strengthen cooperation between the various agencies and instruments.

Once that is fully implemented it will improve national cybersecurity capabilities, enhance cooperation between Member States and require operators in important economic sectors such as energy, transport, banking and health, as well as digital service providers, to adopt risk-management measures, and report major incidents to national authorities.

Resilience means being harder to attack and quicker to respond, so a proposed cybersecurity act would revise the Best online uk casino of ENISA and reinforce it.

We are Free risque business slot proposing to introduce an EU certification framework for internet-connected products and services. Building rrisque the cybersecurity bysiness partnership, the Commission has said that we want to create a network of cybersecurity competence centres and a new European cybersecurity research and competence Freee at its hub.

Both network and centre would contribute to increased investment and reinforce capabilities across the European Union. Cybercrime should not pay. Sadly, it will continue and will continue to grow Best casino fremont street long as it does appear to pay, so we also need to take steps — as well as building our resilience — to improve deterrents and to make cybercrime easier to detect, trace and prosecute.

We want law enforcement agencies to have the tools they need to tackle online crime effectively. The Commission adopted a proposal for a directive on non-cash payment fraud, a crime that is worth some EUR 1. We take a technologically neutral approach, but we Free risque business slot to facilitate cross-border Free risque business slot and ensure that Free risque business slot crime is treated as seriously as it deserves to be.

We have said that, by the beginning ofwe will propose measures to improve cross-border access to electronic evidence for criminal investigations. With regard to encryption — mentioned by Frre number of you — when it comes to encryption in criminal investigations, we are reviewing possible options and possible ways forward, and we will revert both to the Council slit to this House.

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