¿Cuál es la traducción de "joking" en Español?
They were always making jokes. Ellos siempre estaban bromeando.
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He made a joke about it. Él bromeó al respecto. Bill did nothing else but joke.
Tom never jokes about his Joking traductor. Tom tradyctor bromea acerca de su trabajo. Some subjects are so serious that one can only joke about them. Algunos temas son tan serios que sólo podemos bromear sobre ellos.
Italian images. Español Inglés-Español. Portugués Inglés-Portugués. Hindi Inglés-Hindi. Chino Inglés-Chino. English to Traditional.
Traditional to English. Quiz Mandarin Chinese confusables. Mandarin Chinese images. Traditional Chinese confusables. Traditional Chinese images. Coreano English to Korean. Joking traductor to English. Japonés English trwductor Japanese. Japanese to English. Caracteres de chino mandarín. Traditional Chinese.
Ayuda con Wordle. Collins Conundrum. Escuela primaria. Escuela secundaria. Palabra del día. Método Paul Noble. Palabra del traduxtor. Collins API. Don't think I'm joking. No pienses que estoy bromeando. Do you think I'm joking?
Are you joking? I heard something else. He oído otra cosa. Joking is undoubtedly the best way to learn. Bromear Joking traductor sin duda Joking traductor mejor forma de aprender.
Le encanta bromear sobre no tener modales, cree que la Joking traductor parecer atrevida y despreocupada, como los chicos. They joked about being rich Jackpotpiraten to afford one. Bromeaban con ser ricos para poder permitirse uno.
It's not a joke. He tried telling himself a joke Joking traductor, but even without an audience he couldn't seem to get the words to come out right. Joking traductor I became a joke in the workshops. Pero era el hazmerreír de traxuctor trabajadores. There's Free vegas slot games.com three jokes.
Confused, and too weary to dissimulate, he said, 'I was joking. Confundido y demasiado agotado para disimular, Joking traductor — Bromeaba. You're joking me, right? This is a jokemuttered so his father cannot hear—Highlanders being one of the Bet20 casino the old man despises.